• canuck s의 프로프필로 이동

    @ Roger

    게시한 사람  canuck s 속 스위스 공개토론 

    since we are digressing into the topic of over representation of minorities in the penal system and criminal justice in general, i thought i would add my two cents. Over representation happens pretty much everywhere. In Canada it's blacks on the east coast, aboriginal on the west coast. Just like here in Switzerland, cops are more liable to take out a Balkan driving a M3 than a Swiss guy in a Golf. My Swiss male friends laugh about how they can get away with almost everything on the road because the cops rarely pull them over. My hubby, who drives a M3 did get pulled over once, just based on the car model, but once the cop saw he was swiss, he didn't even complete the inspection and let him go.

    But anyways, about the criminal justice system. I'm not sure what the Swiss law is on murder, but in Canada, even if you do get released on the faint hope clause after 15 years (coz "life" in prison terms usually means 25 years) they are still a "Lifer" until the day they die. This means that even though they have been released from prison they are still serving a life sentence, reporting to a parole officer and dealing with the stigma of being a murderer. When people talk about the penal system being too lash, where inmates get food and their basic needs met in prison, people are missing the point. It's freedom that is being withdrawn, that IS the punishment. Loss of freedom. There will always be a huge debate on which criminal justice system is the most effective and the most efficient, and the debate on capital punishment, etc etc etc. The bottom line is, no matter the punishment whether loss of freedom or death will ever prove to be a fool proof deterrent. When capital punishment existed, did that stop people from murdering other people? No.

    Additionally, having worked with many lifers in my past job in Canada, i know that being in the community as a lifer isnt all it's cracked up to be. These people deal with the stigma on a daily basis, and that's just as tough, as say, dealing with the stigma of being a foreigner.

    But that it totally digressing from the point of this thread. No system is perfect, just like no person is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes whether foreigner or native. People are much too easily swayed and prone to manipulation by propaganda (fueled by fear as you mentioned earlier). After all, we ALL want the world to be a better place to live. It's just the method that people use leaves victimes in it's wake. And that's tragic for people who are TRYING to integrate, but are hindered by (insert all the problems previously discussed).

    And while learning the language certainly helps, it isn't the cure all. I know this as a fact because everyone tells me how amazed they are at my German after being here only 2 years. But I'm still met with resistance. Still, I persist, because I know there are exceptions here and I'm intent on finding them. At least until such time I decide to return to my country, where I won't have to fight that battle anymore. :)

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