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  • V. V. Enriques의 프로프필로 이동

    Friends and other things

    게시한 사람  V. V. Enriques 속 스위스 공개토론 

    I have lived in the canton de Vaud for the last 3 years.There are many good sides to where I am living (I cannot say for the rest of switzerland). Some people are nice and making friends is a tough job. Since I moved here, my friends are all foreigners. In the last year, I have met a wonderful swiss italian woman and she introduced me to her 100% swiss friends and I must say that they are simply fine and cool people, motivated and ready to party (like there is no tomorrow) when the hour comes!!!! and be serious and productive when need be.This said, you can go to your local boring drink hole and try to hook up with xenophobe swiss or xenophobe brits (as they all stick together, mostly) or xenophobe whatever or you can stray out of the regular path and meet very interesting people. It is how you handle it and not how others should about you.

    Fact remains that hooking up with swiss people is harder as the swiss have lived in an overprotected environment, silver spooned, one which has created much wealth and which stays in their hands. Never expect more than what you bought for as the swiss calculate everything (even down to icecubes for your warm coca cola that you just so happened to order at the restaurant.... i mean the icecube is free but the face of the waiters or the owner when you ask for icecubes... it is almost the end of the world).

    The service (like in Paris and other smaller euro cities) is devastating except in Banking and Telephony services. I have never seen such terrible service in stores or restaurants. It even motivated me to want to create a business to ''show'' the swiss salespeople proper business etiquette... but I let go of the idea cuz they just don't really care about making you (the end buyer) happy...

    Everything costs and everything is a CARTEL mentality (coop, emil frey, migros, etc). Talk about price fixing and the funny thing is that the swiss like it that way (sheep style). It does say something about their will to protest!! Thus swiss are afraid to protest because of the change it will create and which will forcefully throw them in utter mayhem. I always go to France (better choices and much larger inventory of foods.... and all way cheaper but the terrible service persists!!!!).

    Swiss are institutionally cheap. They have sooooo much wealth but they will not support their teams (FC and HC). The Swiss need 40 caring companies to offer their sports people some financial aid. This can be good and bad but in general can be of negative perception.

    There are so many negatives things one can say about their host country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Sterile in a certain sense, as my Dad once said to me. He found that all the little towns are all equal to one another. Secondly, he also said there is no variety in any of the restaurants: Steak, Perche or Pizza..... no creativity on the food side. I learned that my Dad was not fond of Switzerland!!! And they all overcharge....

    But in general, Switzerland is a fun place but you have to tame it (not that its wild or exciting or anything) but you always have to make the best out of any situation.... wherever you be in the World!!

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