• Lubitsch _의 프로프필로 이동

    If this thread is so popular since 2008...

    게시한 사람  Lubitsch _ 속 스위스 공개토론 

    I used to work (not living) in many countries. I'm living in Zürich since about fours years now, and well, here I am, googling "wtf is wrong here". I had many many contacts (and friendships, i guess...) with locals, i shared experiences with expats, and i've build a pretty clear opinion of what the problem is.

    A big lack of culture and knowledge about whatever happens outside the tiny country, beside the poor information filtered by the awful educational system and the ridiculous press they usually read....
    Imagine to live in a small small rich village... have you ever experienced a provincial environment? well it's pretty much the same. we just have to live that from the wrong side: we are out of the circle. This is the province of the world, guys. A rich spoiled and isolated province.

    Generally (and then, superficially) speaking, Swiss people are not trained to process anything new, anything coming from "outside". With foreigners, they just use clichés. Like unfortunately everybody does, but they hardly get rid of them, they can't replace them it with real datas.
    So, my friends, you are the American, the English, the German, before you can even say a word. And they will have some problems with your country, your way to live, you, anyway, always. Lack of national identity, they need to be critic with all the world.
    obviously, they have cliché about themselves, but surprisingly are all SO POSITIVE.
    They repeat the "swiss quality" mantra like a background noise covering the real life, and i guess we all know how mediocrity is the only standard here...
    That's why they sound so arrogant, and they probably are, but in a very naive way.

    After all, I have some swiss friends, few people extremely illuminated or with a good life experience outside the country (and I'm not talking about three months backpacking in thailand). And they are lovely. But still, it's hard to meet them really often, you have to accept it. I'm not a pushy person, and i'm pretty fine with this way. But if you don't like naive and spoiled people, well, switzerland is not a good place for you, as is not for me.
    Anyway, I don't give up :)

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