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  • agirlingeneva . برو به پروفایل


    پست شده توسط  agirlingeneva . در سوئیس فروم 

    I agree with Jim Jackson (in part).
    Dr. G Bonsall's post makes no sense whatsoever. "Swiss citizens vote every few months on important matters.".. so this means they are not racist? And how old are these people who vote? I'm willing to bet the vast majority are old, retired people who are still living in the 60s.

    And Swiss people don't seem to like Swiss people.. if this is not the case, how do you explain the large percentage of Swiss people married to non-Swiss people?

    The problem is that you can't make friends by seeing someone once.. that's why the majority of people meet through school or work. You need repeated contact. Most of the events or clubs you join will propose an event.. what.. once a month? and even if you go every time (which is highly unlikely) you're very unlikely to see the same people every time.. so assuming you go to these events 12 times a year you might still never see the same people except the organiser...

    and as a single person in my 30s I don't want to meet uni students, couples with babies, stay at home parents, or retired people... we have nothing in common.. I see plenty of my 'type' of people hanging out in cafés and bars but they're obviously locals who've known each other for years and years... who would never even read a forum like this. I've been to so many events and clubs and gatherings I'm sick of it... you meet once, have a nice time, maybe exchange some numbers and then never hear from them again.

    I also think that Swiss in general are very aloof and introverted... Indeed it also seems like the vast majority of people in Geneva live alone with very little contact with others.

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