• Daniel Novo

    You're right

    پست شده توسط  Daniel Novo در سوئیس فروم 

    You're right. I wasn't saying it is ill intended. Like someone from St. Gallen really hates an Appenzeller. It is just there, deep rooted and on the surface of it harmless. But if you want to know why it is hard to make Swiss friends I can't help but feel the Kantönligeist (never really understood the expression until now, thanks!) does play a considerable role at least explain the Swiss outlook on different people.

    And yes, again you're right, we have multiple identities but that doesn't make it necessary to define each or any one of them by exclusion. To use your example, if you meet an American in Zürich are assuming the European identity or bist du der Oberländer? Wanna crank it up a notch? You're out with one Oberländer colleague and a guy from work, Ausländer, which identity do you assume? And if it is two Oberländer?

    This discussion can go on forever. My only references are Brazil, where I was born, England and US where I lived for some time and now Switzerland. And maybe I am getting older or just maybe it is really harder to make friends here in Switzerland.

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