• steven wenger برو به پروفایل

    sorry to hear that

    پست شده توسط  steven wenger در سوئیس فروم 

    hi again flo regina your expierience must be just horible to write a book about what they made to you im sorry that you lost 7 years in this country and i which you good luck in the place you live now hope you win back all this losten 7 years and find a lot of friends,i can say to you i was just in a country on vacation it was even colder weather but people where so nice i meet more people in the 9 days i was in this vacations than in all the years im in switzerland.
    happy new year to you and to the rest of the people here hope new year makes feel all of you better,cherrs for a new year of better treatment to foraigners less xenophobie,more love and fun.

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