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    of course part of the problem are the authorities

    发表  Roger B 在 瑞士论坛 

    Yeah, well, given the unabating wave of immigrants from Germany and France, I don't think the story has ended yet. We'll see how it all ends, but I guess that in the end, their children will naturalize quite easily.

    It's true that one of the most devoted voter base of the SVP/UDC are "Secondos", albeit I would say they're voting that way out of different reasons than you've indicated. I'd some of them vote the way they do because they have to prove something. What is surprising to me is that they appear to flock to the extremes far more than to the middle, at least that's what I can observes from my secondo friends. Either the guys vote SVP/UDC or they vote SP/PS, but none of them even would consider voting FDP/PLR or CVP/PDC.

    Well, you actually hit the nail on its head when it comes to Swiss legal/judicial authority. The blame in my opinion goes to our judicial system which sometimes appears to take a very cozy route to interpreting criminal law. Why in hell is it possible for a convicted murderer to walk away for his crime after 15 years in prison? The problem is that our current laws are in a way too humanist, in a way not enough coercive to really deter people from commiting crimes. I'm not happy with the US penal code, but where the US is too excessive, our system is far too nice to criminals. That, by the way is also the reason why I will vote in big bold letters NO to the extradition initiative. Instead of talking about extradition of criminal foreigners in Switzerland, we'd do better starting overhauling our penal code so that a punishment really is a punishment, be the fellon Swiss or foreign, and not just a state-paid vacation in a low star hotel, ending, in extremis, after 15 years. I would even go the length of claiming that this would make a much greater contribution of lowering crime.

    However, one thing in addition of why foreigners are relatively over-represented in our jails. Well, comming back to an anology to the US, it could be the same reason why blacks are over-represent in US-jails. It just points to a lack of perspective and integration of certain kinds of foreign population (which mostly hail from the Balkans, I'm force to say). So while our system needs certain overhauling in terms of coercive power, the preponderance of certain foreigners in our jails tells me that we also have to takle the integration question urgently.

