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    hola celia zurich es diferente hi celia zurich is diferent

    发表  steven wenger 在 瑞士论坛 

    hola celia gracias por tu respuesta

    i must say that zurich is diferent to bern or lausane or geneva,i believe you had good luck finding a job where people are friendly,in my work i have only older people than me so it,s dificult bern haves also much more a rural mentality they have a very ecologic and full of regulations form to live their boring lives,if you ar a little bit diferent to them they dont like that.berner are to simple farmer people they get even pissed of if you order a better drink than the cheapest beer,that the same if you dress a little better of them i had i friend frecking out becose i bought a 100 frank shirt .in spain or in zurich it,s normal to buy nice clothes you can make what you want with your money and people will not insolt you you have your personal fredom to spend your many like you want.
    you now what once i was painting my house y had a swetter some paint fold on top of the swetter i forgot to change the swetter when i went out to the bar next to my house the people looked me very diferent they where like a little bit more open,where i live you can see young girls wearing the same clothes all the time i think they dont take shower never haha it,s horible,people dress like of a other planet it,s normal to see people with holes in their shirts,some people look like they dont now the word shampoo or shower.
    it,s horible sad that swiss are so jealous redneck stubern and simple you must be exacly like them im not talking only of clothing it,s to have theyr mentality i respect green envorment but i want to have my fredom to go with a car somewhere,for some people thats a problem berner haves all full of velo fahrer that look you with killer view only if you are in a car.i think eco stuff is great i think ok take of chernobil recicle and that but i want to eat other things that coop bio products and use a car.

