• جائیں اس یوزر کےDaniel L's پروفائل پر

    Yeah, right.

    پوسٹڈ بايئ  Daniel L انرر سوئٹرزلینڈ فورم 

    Dear Sonia,

    yes, it is tough to learn that the Swiss are no better than any other european country when it comes to discriminating against foreigners and esp. people with a different skin colour. My problem with this is that the Swiss have a totally different image outside of Switzerland. Undeservedly so!! You would expect racism from a German and definitely from a French but the Swiss do not come to mind immediately.  They really do need to stop making excuses and get a grip of themselves. This is 2012! Get with the times! Stop being so damn racist, especially when there is absolutely no need for it. You have enough wealth to go around.
    So Sonia, I can totally relate. It is not going to get better anytime soon. Flee this country if you can.,,,seeing that you actually married one of them, I guess you cant. At least then, you have to lower your expectations!!! Think the worst of the Swiss and you wont be disappointed!  Works for us.

    About the Swiss comments reg. the amount of foreigners coming into their country. First of all: The Germans. Ulrich went on quite a rant towards the end of his last comment and Roger, you are no better! Anyone stopped to think WHY there are so many Germans here…? I know a lot of Germans that have moved here and actually almost all of them were called by a Swiss company to come and work here. Why are there so many doctors and nurses from Germany? Angebot > Nachfrage…? Ever heard of that….? Seems like you do not train enough medical personnel otherwise there wouldn’t be so many jobs on offer for the Germans.
    Blame the Swiss companies for headhunting the Germans NOT the Germans themselves!! Blame your government for making it so “easy” to come and live here…..get it into perspective people!! AND do something about your HUGE inferiority complexes!! There are very good psychiatrists in Switzerland! :D THAT is the main reason why you hate the Germans: your massive complexes. NOT the “rudeness” or the directness. I think the Swiss secretly admire the Germans for being able to speak their minds….LOL.

    About the “other” foreigners / asylum seekers, etc.: YOUR SWISS government ALLOWS for so many immigrants. You Swiss have a voting system that is unparalleled in the world. You actually can change laws and set things in motion, through collecting signatures and all that shit. So, if your government lets in all these people that the citizens do not want then why don’t YOU do something about it instead of bitching about it??? Kick all the foreigners out, if you are so unhappy about them - Get some balls!! But you can’t, can you? Cause as a rule, the Swiss mindset is “neutral”…..neutral my arse!! Someone once mentioned “personality bypass” – I think that says it for most Swiss.

    End rant.
    (I just re-read what I wrote above and maybe I am being a tad emotional…..?? Oh, whatever. :D)

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