• Ton Bakker


    پوسٹڈ بايئ  Ton Bakker انرر نیدر لینڈز فورم 

    Hi Gaby, I totally agree with you, it is so easy to say a counntry is racist or dangerous.
    Lot of people think China is poor, and dangerous. Well, I've been there 5 times, never felt threatened, I feel totally at home, and the people are great.As in many countries, formal politics and real life are totally different.
    And I have been in , what you can call the slums.
    I have been in the Sinai, in Egypt , stayed with bedouins, had a great time.
    It is easy to judge from hearsay, but it means you're prejudice.
    I'm very happy you feel at home here, and safe.
    PEOPLE have to learn that you only can form an opinion, when you really know the people.In every country are criminals, in every race or believe or position in community..

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