• Come on...

    โพสต์โดย ผู้ใช้ที่ถูกลบออกแล้ว ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    Hello Daniel

    I really have no problems with critical comments about Switzerland but saying things like "There is virtually no miscegenation. All are kept apart. Even institutionally they are kept apart." is a lot of rubbish and tells me that you have either never lived in Switzerland or just do not understand or do not want to understand Switzerland.

    No miscegenation???? My Swiss mother is married to a French man. I am married to a Mexican woman. My last girlfriend before getting married was from Bangladesh, before that I went out with a girl from Korea. My cousin is married to a woman of the Philippines. My oncle is married to a Spanish woman. One of my best friends is married to a Brazilian woman, another one to a woman of Colombia. My best friend at school had a Italian father. The owner of my flat is married to a girl from Germany. - There are thousands of examples like that in Switzerland. I would even say that it is hard nowadays in our country to find families without foreigners or foreign roots. If you do not notice it then it is surely because all those foreigners integrated themselves and therefore you do not consider them foreigners anymore.

    And please tell me why they should be "institutionally" kept apart. There is absolutely no law in Switzerland that keeps foreigners institutionally apart. The opposite is the case. There is for instance an "Anti-Rassismus-Gesetz" that forbids any racist comments against foreigners. If you as a Brazilian are insulted in a racist way by a Swiss citizen you can put charge against him. Further on the Swiss government offers free language classes for foreigners that newly arrive to Switzerland. And why don't you have a look at a Swiss migration office? The people working there speak several languages and foreigners are usually treated with dignity and respect. I doubt... no, I know that this is completely different in most other countries of the world especially in North- and South America where you have less rights as a foreigner and where you are often treated like a piece of shit.

    And you really want to tell me that you are all equal in South America? Please, give me a break! You know that this is not true. There is a big difference between the social classes in most of the South American countries and - to use your vocabulary - there is not a lot of "miscegenation" between those social classes. You are racists with your own people! Something that has always shocked me in Latin America.

    Again, I repeat what I said in an earlier post. No matter in what country you live, you will have to adapt to certain rules, customs or behaviours in order to make new friends. You can't expect the people from your host country to adapt themselves to your rules, customs o behaviours. If I go to live in Brazil one day, then I will have to learn Portuguese and I will have to adapt to the Brazilian way of life if I want to be sure to make new friends there!

