• Sara HAஇன்  profile க்கு செல்லுங்கள்

    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது  அதில் ஜெர்ம்னிஅமைப்பு 

    It's already seven months I'm in Germany and actually I couldnt find a boyfriend to stay with. I never had this problem before in any other countries.
    First in Germany, the only place you can find a boyfriend is Uni, night clubs, or private partys.
    Second for example in a party or sth, they never come to you. They might look at you but they dont dare to come and start a convesation. Accoding to my experiences, ones who come are mostly jerks. It seems good ones never come to you!! That's therrible.
    Third if in any case you start a conversation and they DARE to ask for your number, they dont call you! For me, I always think ther are not interested but my German girlfriends say that a girl should call first!!
    Four even if you call and everything is Ok, it takes toooooo long so sth happen. It takes weeks so you can date for the first time. They dont call, they dont text, they do nothing!
    2 weeks ago I met one German guy whom I thought is a little bit different. I liked him. Unlike other German guys i've met, he was funny! he laughed! and he was not boring like others and I thought he liked me too... I mean he acted in a way that I had this feeling. And he told me things like "You are so cute." "You are really beautiful" and so on. He had my number but he never called. According to what my friends here always say, I texted him twice and he replied very well... very interested, but after that, again nothing happened! I havent received any call from him and I thought it is not nice anymore that I send a message again. He should do sth now. But nothing! I'm really confused and bored. I never had problem for finding a boyfriend and now it looks like sth impossible.

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