• Идите до профила patrick eso

    @ John Lovejoy

    објавио/-ла је  patrick eso у Немачка Форум 

    Every german regard germany as christian country. From my observation 80% is Athiest, despite within these percentage 35% of this 80% could be officially registered christians but not practicing.I was a regular attenedei.But the will criticise other people being it muslim, so long it has negative conotations around it.The one that happened few years back after the german pope was elected, visiting regensburg in bavaria made a reference to what a german king who ruled in the past said over islam religion. He was excieted to be pope, infront of his people he made one of the biggest gaffe in modern catholic sermons . First of all , how can you quote a laymans ideaology and uphold it as being a subject of the church. I am catholic, but I disagree with this pope on that statement.A friend mine called me and said , right there he just demonstrated his german up bringing.I don`t think at the end of time he will be a popular pope like JP his predicessor.

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