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    zaslal  BPEH BPEH v Fórum Dubaj 

    medyo tahimik na tungkol sa HepaB and deportation... i guess still in effect ung law na nakasaad sa baba... please read thoroughly para malinawan ka...

    No more deportation for Hepatitis and TB carriers

    Khaleej Times (KT) reports 12 August 2010 that the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) website no longer includes Tuberculosis and Hepatitis B or C as deportable conditions for foreigners under the medical fitness rules, except for some worker categories.

    KT report says: As per the details published on the website, testing for Hepatitis B and C, highly infectious diseases of the liver and tuberculosis, are no longer part of the medical fitness testing rules that have been compulsory before obtaining a work permit or residency in the country until now.
    Except when we checked, the DHA website said that a Chest X-ray is still part of the screening process, which we thought was for the test for TB.
    Worker categories still to be tested include food handlers, maids, restaurant workers, nannies, teachers and other educators.
    Date which new law came, or comes into effect unknown.
    Dr Mahmoud Fikri, CEO of Health Policies at the Ministry of Health said in the KT report that "The changes have been approved but I cannot say what exactly unless we receive the approved copy of the law,"
    DHA rules apply only to Dubai, expat residence visa applications in other emirates might be different, although a new Federal UAE law is expected to be implemented.
    Not clear if the change in the law will mean that previous denied applicants can re-apply.
    DHA and DOHMS websites say on the Medical Fitness -Normal Package page (last update 01 August 2010 when checked 12 August 2010):
    "This category-screening package includes: - HIV test. - HBV test. - Chest X-ray" for food handlers and food industry workers, for example waiters, waitresses, cooks, housemaids, etc
    "Only HIV test is required for both New cases and Visa renewal" for dependents on a family residence visa.
    "The screening package for new cases is: HIV, Chest X-ray," for anyone else.
    In all cases, "Positive result of the test will render the individual unfit to work in Dubai, U.A.E."
    Although the KT reports that the The KT

    Updated report in the Gulf News 19 August 2010 (GN quotes in italics):

    Ministry of Health has announced changes in the medical tests for UAE resident expatriates.
    Hepatitis B blood tests now only for workers in the categories of barbers, beauticians, food handlers, health club workers, housemaids, kindergarten supervisors, nannies, nursery supervisors. Gulf News report said if confirmed positive will not be deported but will have to undergo treatment.
    Hepatitis B test no longer done for other employment categories.
    Hepatitis C test no longer done for any category.
    Tubercolosis (TB) only for new visa applications, not renewals, and only for pulmonary TB. Not clear what happens if found positive, previously was deportation after treatment. Presumably that is still the case?
    Maids, nannies and women drivers will now have to undergo a pregnancy test. Sponsor can then decide whether or not to continue employment. This was previously the case anyway as far as we knew, at least for maids and nannies anyway. Unknown if the Ministry of Health notifies the Dubai Police if the employee is unmarried and pregnant in Dubai. If they do, then the employee can expect to be arrested, jailed, and deported.
    Syphilis is another disease for which those tested positive will not be deported. This was also already the case in our understanding.
    Changes effected one day after publication in the Official Gazette. Date of publication not supplied though.

    New medical tests in the UAE - 01 July 2008

    From 01 July 2008, a new law, Government Federal Law No 7/2008, means that expat residency visa applicants will have to do a medical fitness test for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, and Tuberculosis (TB).
    Previously, Hepatitis C and Syphilis were not included.
    Test failures result in deportation except for Syphilis which is treated. Positive TB tests result in quarantined treatment then deportation.

    Last update Friday 11-Feb-2011. Page development 1H 2T 3D 4L 5C.
    Related pages

    Abu Dhabi Health Authority (SEHA)
    Dubai Health Authority (DHA)
    Dubai Municipality (DM)
    Residency visa Dubai - residence permit application process
    Visa UAE - information about different visa types in the UAE

    Related websites (new window)

    www.dha.gov.ae - Dubai Health Authority website. Same as DOHMS website when checked (August 2010).
    www.dohms.gov.ae - Dubai Department of Health and Medical Services website. Same as DHA website when checked (August 2010).
    Dubai directory - add your link free

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