• Neil de Reybekill


    опубликовал  Neil de Reybekill в форум в Великобритания 


    I think that how you get on will depend not on your accent - but your attitude.

    Many overseas visitors struggle to fit-in and find work over here and, sometimes, that has to do with external factors like the area they live-in or the economic climate for jobs.

    But, most visitors here find work if that is what they want. Whether Russian graduates working in the gentlemen's clothing section of a department store or Spanish sociologists waiting tables in a restaurant, the jobs are there if you want them.

    Most important will be to get to know a bunch of like-minded people - to make friends with and socialise with. Try universities, sports clubs, churches, language centres - anywhere that people your age or in a similar situation might hang out.

    As a graduate student in Denmark, I cleaned schools, offices and factories to start with, before settling down to use my degree teaching over there for 5 years. The same is true anywhere - you might not be able to use your degree here to start with but, by doing the jobs and the shifts that local people won't do, you can make a living and have fun doing so.

    It is down to attitude. And you need to be active in seeking out activities, employment and contacts...

    Good luck!


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