• Daniel Novo

    @ Canuck

    опубликовал  Daniel Novo в форум в Швейцария 

    I don't think they are trying to make it harder. It is just their outlook on "strangers". And I don't think it has anything to do with us being Ausländer. Again, I think I understand why. Switzerland in itself is defined by what they leave out (Germany, France and Italy) rather than what they absorb like Canada (French and Anglo-Saxon mixes) or Brazil (pretty much every possible mix).
    From every little Dorf to the Rathaus in Bern there is a constant struggle to define "the us". I live in St. Gallen and it is very curious to see the lengths people go to differentiate themselves from the Appenzeller living not even 20 km from here. In the simple pass time of Jass they mix-up rules and understandings so the Appezeller Jass table is just for Appenzellers. Now imagine if you can't even play Jass? Heck! The whole dialect thing is just deep rooted way of highlighting the slightest differences. We in Canada and Brazil don't even speak our native languages!
    How many times have I've heard... oh.. der zücher...oh.. der thurgauer... oh... der walliser like it was a whole different country. (okay Wallis might be really a different country)

    It is hard. Just keep trying and you might find some friends.

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