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    Considering moving with family

    опубликовал  Avril Madden в форум в Форальлберг 

    We are a family of four who are thinking of moving to Voralberg in the coming months. We have two kids and would love to send them to the public school. I have a couple of questions that I'd really appreciate any advice/ direction:
    - where can I find flat/house rentals online for the Voralberg region? I find so many for Vienna etc
    - has anyone sent their child who doesn't speak German to public school ? Is their much support for them to be immersed?
    - I"m concerned about the dialect, if my children (5,7 years) study for a couple of years in this region and we move to another area will their be consequences for their pronunciation etc?

    Thank you for any help you can give,

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