• Steph Lladwod

    fellow canuck

    Postado por  Steph Lladwod em Suiça forum 

    Hallo canuck s! I just found this forum today and was surprised to find a fellow Candian right away. I am from Calgary and have spent the last 9 months in Germany. Now my boyfriend has a job in St.Gallen so here I am. I don't have a work permit, I have applied to a few temp agencies, hope that helps. So without a job I am having a really hard time meeting people. I don't really think its that much harder than other Germany or Canada considering the language barrier.
    Where is Switzerland do you live? I was hoping to meet some people through this forum if I can't do it other ways. I am running out of ways to entertain myself here...And as the weather gets colder I am afraid I will be sitting at home knitting up a storm all winter!
    Steph :)

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