• Daniel Otero

    Dear Gao:

    Postado por  Daniel Otero em China forum 

    There is an old Spanish saying, "Necessity is the mother of all inventions." China has had to open up even more in the last 21 years. But this is valued in part by the Government and before it was impulsed by men like Deng Xioapeng.

    Conficius once said, "Catch a fish for a man, and he will eat one day! Teach him how to fish, and he can eat for a lifetime." China has done it well, but it can do it better. But it also needs to teach people not only to follow, but to think for themselves. This is common in relationships in which I notice that not only the couple is involved, and also the parents and my God, even the grandparents. This is a recipy for disaster in life.

    The Europeans hurt China a lot in the 19th and 20th Centuries. However, before, the Ming empire after it reached its maximum glory ordered the borders to be closed up in the 14th Century, affecting Chinese influence across the world. Just because the Emperor stated, "We are the center of the Universe". What I am trying to say that Chinese leadership has done great things, and on the other hand, certain periods of closure have destroyed a great and wonderful society. This should not happen again, it has sociological effects on the people.

    For example, did you know that there is a male-female disparaty in China. The problem will become worse in 20 years. In which, 23 million males will not be able to find women. This is something that is affecting a society, since there are still traditions that favor males rather than the female. It is a problem...

    You are an impressive young man. Which city did you live in Germany?


    P.S. Only Eastern Chinese are trying to behave more like people from the west.

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