• Álvaro Atías

    Work visa for France

    dodane przez  Álvaro Atías w  Francja forum 

    Hi I'm Álvaro from Argentina, I'm a computer engineer :)
    Sorry.. maybe this isn't the propper topic to ask this. But I just got registered :)
    I wanted to say HI!! and I also wanted to ask the following:
    I got a job in a French company, I've been talking to my future "boss" and he told me there are 2 options for me to get into France:
    1º) Student Visa.. wich he's doing all the paper work. But because it's not inscription season, that possibility is getting pretty complicated.
    2º) (I'll explain it as clear as I can, I'm sorry but my english is a little "rusty"). He also told me to get a work contract in any company in Argentina (wich wouldn't be a greater problem 'cause my father owns one) and look for another company in Argentina (that specializes in this "relationships" matter) that would act as an intemerdiary between the Argentine company and the French company. This French guy I talked to didn't know about any name or how to get in contact with this kind of companies. So the deal would be for me to go to France in some sord of (and I quote this guy I talked to) "work mission" or in French "Portage des mission" that would actually allow me to start working legally while the work visa paperwork is undertaken.
    I hope all of this is understandable :)
    So my question is: If anyone knows the name of any of this "intermediary" companies, or at least the name of the service they provide.
    I really appreciate your feedback.
    Thanks a lot.
    If this is inappropiate to ask in here, please let me know where I can ask.

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