• random sculptures


    innsent av  random sculptures i Kuwait forum 

    i dont know how to start about kuwait, this country was built by foreigners - and still - it was good till the 1990. then it turned to hell .. it's good if you have shit loads of money, of for people who have money to spend it here
    now you want to talk about how they treat "others" , like shit, maybe even worse that Mexicans in the USA, how i know that ? i am one of these "mexicans" in kuwait. i have kuwaiti friends who also agree on that, many of my kuwaiti friends didnt even know about the laws, they dont know .. i was born here, my mother was born here, my father have lived here for more than 40 years, my grandfather first came here in the 50's when it was desert.. yet i have to leave unless i have a "kuwaiti" spouse or work in some company..
    as a "foreigner" you will have to pay huge amounts of money, think of it when u have a family, you pay for residency, school, health insurance and for hospitals lol , rents are so damn high, now someone will come and say if you dont like it go back to your country... well this is my country i have no other place to go to, i like this place i like it i love it. i would give it my life .. but unfortunately it doesnt give me anything ..

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