• I tell you why

    geplaatst door Verwijderde gebruiker in Duitsland forum 

    Yes you're absolutely right but also in Europe there we have example of Switzerland which never gets any bad name even how bad its immigration policies are, or how unhappy its immigrants are. When you think about Switzerland then what comes in your mind is beautiful landscape now tell me we have beautiful landscape in lots of European countries, this Swiss Alpine landscape is shared by Germany, France, Italy and Austria but its stereotype that Switzerland is most beautiful. Same applies to Canada, Rocky mountains and landscape like Northern territories are also in US, but people think that these things are only in Canada. This stereotype is the result of using exaggerated marketing tools about showing beautiful Canada and Switzerland. I've never seen any advertisement of Spain or Germany but every person have read about Canada and Switzerland.

    Moreover in Canada its everyday on media and even in public places or teachers in school repeatedly brainwash you by admiring Canada and the Canadians. Only once in a day you will hear at least more than 5-6 times that Canada is best country in the world, its most peaceful, immigrants are very happy and people have very successful lives. Then you will also see that everyday they show history programs and nazi movies and tell their audience that Europe is still very racist and Canada is the best place to live. You will never have any program which will tell you the true story and positive things about other countries. Canadian unemployment rate is as high as in US but how many people know about it. Difference is that US tells the whole world while Canada picks the statistics of summer jobs (temporary) and claims that country is doing perfect and immigrants have jobs. They always hide the truth and worst is that people are not allow to criticize the system. Forget criticizing just look how Canadians are so conscious about very small stuff: "London teen Awish Aslam, said she and some friends were kicked out of a Conservative rally on Sunday when organizers saw her Facebook profile picture, which was a snapshot of her with Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff." http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20110405/election-leaders-h
    ustings-110405/ this is true example of Canadian mentality that they never allow any criticism and how think.

    In Canada we are not free but have always been programmed to believe we are. Our media, workplace actually everything is controlling immigrants minds and telling them that every country is bad only Canada is best. Unfortunately neither Europe nor any other country has any interest to really think about Canada, probably because Canada is not important country for the world, so whatever Canada does no one picks on them. Look at Denmark, tell me how many people know that Denmark is not in Scandinavia, even Danish people are not aware of this fact, as it has been told them every day that its Scandinavian country. They only trust their "Fakta" book and and when they read that then they see that I'm not lying but at least after reading their fact-book they admit but Canadians never admit even if you show the facts. Its simply they live in a small box.

    While for many European countries, they criticize themselves on local and international level. Tell me have you ever heard on Spanish or any other European TV where people are admiring themselves and their country on everyday basis???

    If you want to hear that how happy immigrants are living in Canada then read the comments of people on this blog. Its fairly new blog and I'm afraid it will not stay any longer on internet. http://www.canadaimmigrantblog.com/an-idiots-guide-to-stayin

    There you will find many comments of Europeans, who will also tell you that how paradise is Canada and how happy immigrants are they.

    People are so naive in Canada that once a person said to me that he was under the impression that doctors who drive cabs love to do it because as cab driver they can make more money....this mentality makes me to bang my head on the door...I said door as Canadians have paper wall :-)

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