Eleonora Quijada Cervoni

За мене

Eleonora Quijada Cervoni
 Eleonora Quijada Cervoni
За мене:
Hi everyone! I am looking for help to find a flat (shared, non shared, furnished, unfurnished) in Stuttgart. I actually don't live in Stuttgart, yet. My partner, JR (for Johnny Ramon) does. I am in Canberra, Australia, but I am desperately trying to help him find a place to live in Stuttgart. It is not an easy task, to find a flat in Germany! He did find a little flat, and we thought: perfect! But it is not. He has too many issues: too cold (the owner shuts the heater down at 11 pm and puts it back on at 6 am). JR gets up at 5 am to go to work...frozen! Then, the bed is a disaster, which means he can't sleep well, so he is not productive at work. Anyway, enough with the negative. He loves Germany, he has found an amazing group of colleagues, and he has an excellent job as a Post Doc at the University of Stuttgart. So, all he needs now is a nice place to live in. I will be joining him in July-August, although I will be visiting in April. So, now that I have introduced you to the current story of my life, is there anyone out there that can help us find a place to live? JR needs to move out on 01 March since that is when his contract with the flat owner ends. But I think he would seriously consider moving earlier than that, if he finds a place. There are perhaps four things in his wish list: walking distance to public transport, not too far from the University (30 to 40 min perhaps by public transport), walking distance to a little grocery shop or supermarket, and a comfortable bed! Max rent: 700 Euros per month (total). Please, pretty please. can anyone out there help? You must be wondering why I am doing this, and not JR. Well, I am just helping him and being a bit more creative, and not embarrassed to ask for help. We have contacted rental agencies, and so on, but it is quite complex to search for an apartment in Stuttgart, particularly when you don't speak German! I appreciate whatever advise you can give, or even better, if you know someone that has a place to rent (1 or 2 room furnished flat is the preference, or a shared flat, if it is easier...). Please contact me by e-mail: quijadaeleonora@gmail.com). I am Australian-Venezuelan (living in Australia for 21 years, thus very Aussie!), and JR is Venezuelan. Happy New Year to all who read this message! Eleonora .
Живеење во:
Stuttgart (Germany)
English, French, Italian, Spanish


Animals/Pets, Coffee, tea and conversation, Dining out, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Movies/Videos, Music, Travel/Sightseeing, Dancing, Walking/Hiking, Yoga
Омилена музика:
Clasical, Jazz, Soul, Latin American folk
Омилени филмови:
FIlms based on true life events
Омилени книги:
Работи кои ги сакам:
Helping others, laughing and enjoying life
Работи кои ги мразам:
Hipocrisy, disrespectful people, arrogance, individualism
Семеен статус :


The Australian National University
Поле за работа:
Languages teacher (Spanish, French and English as a Second Language) & Educational Developer
Предходна Професија:
Sales & Marketing
