• Daniel Novo


    publicēja  Daniel Novo - Vietas Šveice forums 

    Miscegenation. There has been in the last 10 to 20 years some miscegenation here in Switzerland. Historically, however, not even the original French, Italian and German nationalities endeavoured a great deal of miscegenation even though technically a French Swiss married to a German Swiss can’t be regarded as miscegenation. It might seem to you as though this is some standard of miscegenation but if you look at South America where since the arrival of the first Europeans there has been miscegenation you will see that what has happened here in Switzerland only recently is really nothing. Definitely not enough to erupt cultural barriers and make of the people living in this country, all, regardless of who there parents were, Swiss. You see, I as a Brazilian can’t even tell you my ethnic origins. I know there are definitely Europeans on the mix, because I am fair skinned, but my Grandpa’s mom was the blued daughter of a German and a Tupinambá. In Brazil it doesn’t even make sense to talk of race let alone anti-racism.

    Institutionally. A person can be born in Switzerland and still not have no right to Swiss citizenship. They have to undergo what can only be described as a ridiculous screening to prove themselves worthy of this higher quality. That alone constitutes a flagrant contradiction to the most revered ideal in Western democracies – too bad it is only an ideal – that “all are created equal”.

    Foreigners being treated like shit! You probably never went to South America, otherwise you would notice that the better of people living there are “foreigners”. At some point in time, somewhere out of Europe, they have come either as colonizers or as just people trying to make a living and have been received in way that nowadays they are the ruling classes. Meanwhile they have barbarically killed the native nations of the continent not to mention they have uprooted and enslaved native people from a different continent and left them to their misery in America.

    Maybe you should pick up some history books. Maybe you should go to Peru or Bolivia and talk to a Quechua or a Aymara about tolerance.

    By the way, I've been in Switzerland for 4 years now. I speak very well German. I have lots of Swiss colleagues. But you see for them to my friends I would've to be one of them. Which clearly I will never be.


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