• Daniel Novo


    によるポスト  Daniel Novo に スイス フォーラム 

    First things first.

    If you look at my post you would notice that I was addressing it to Andy, who was making the point that Switzerland is the most international, tolerant, country in the world. And I did point some reason why that argument can't be made. All of which still stand regardless of your effort. MAybe 10 to 20 years is really underestimating. The right estimation might've been 30 to 40. I just thought that the miscegenation coincided - which normally does - with the reactionary outburst of nationalism that started some 10 to 20 years ago here Switzerland. Otherwise I stand behind all my points.

    My opinion as to why it is so difficult to make friends in Switzerland, particularly, is that Swiss people mostly - not all - are introverted. Mainly people out of some small Dorf incrusted on a fairly isolated mountain.

    I have adapted myself very well here in Switzerland. Or yet eingelebt - that's the best word to which a translation makes little sense. I like to think that is because I've came here open hearted. But I don't expect my colleagues to become my friends. At least not to my definition of friends that goes beyond common interests.


