• Neil de Reybekill

    pubblicato da  in Regno Unito forum  

    Sure, London isn't the whole story. But we should also say that, like anywhere, there are differences between City and countryside, or between small town and big city. These are differences which are just as important as those between North and South.
    I teach overseas students everyday and they always comment on queuing, manners and politeness. These are all things that, as the saying goes, 'cost nothing'. So, a few moments learning about what constitutes English manners will be time well spent.
    Also, my Latin American students often remark on the weather (how cold/wet it is) and that people can be a bit 'distant'. English people are warm hearted, but they are private and traditionally a bit reserved.
    Maybe this is connected to our wonderful weather, too!
    When I have travelled in Asia, I have found that the constant company in societies which focus on family quite tiring.
    So my thoughts would be just to warn you about the weather, and remind you to prepare for how people here value politeness and privacy.
    And, if you need any help with your English, please [...]

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