• Ton Bakker


    Poslano od   Ton Bakker u Nizozemska forum 

    =So my question is how often do you honestly come across this kind of social ignorance in day to day life, and how much is it a part of the politics of the day??=
    we don't live in a big city, but we live next to Amsterdam Aiport, around 100.000 inhabitants, The answer to your question;1. not at all.
    2. also in the USA you have a political soap with the Tea Party, we have PVV, but we sleep well anyway, lol.
    Our son is 4, and at his school, the many different nationalities are obvious. But that never has been an issue, we are one community, and have as much contact with other nationalities as we have with born Dutchies.My wife is Chinese f.e., and our neighbourhood is one big mix..
    So, consider to live in Hoofddorp, close to the sea, the airport and to Amsterdam.Best wishes for your decision, greetings, Ton

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