• Well, TY...wasn´t going to say that...

    lähettäjä Poistettu käyttäjä in Saksa foorumi 

    ...I think you are deliberately misunderstanding me. I never doubted that there are racists in Germany, I just took exception to your claim that the great majority of Germans are racists or that it is somehow worse here than in other countries. I´ve been around Europe a lot and I have found shockingly racist people everywhere, from Britain to Poland to France and back, but I cannot say for any of these countries that they were a majority.
    Somewhere in this forum, don´t know which thread, someone wrote how we Germans "have it in our blood" to be racist and how we are still convinced of being the master race. Now come on, I think I have a right to be offended by that. Shouldn´t you be offended by that too, I mean you stated time and again how racism sucks ass?

    I do not see racism in other countries as an excuse, racism in Germany offends me rather more than in other countries. But as I said elsewhere, in my daily experience at a very multicultural school, I witness something else, i.e. the transformation of Germany into a multicultural society. I myself lived in a binational marriage, my brother-in-law´s sister is married to an Ivorian man, my little son´s best mate is a boy from Nigeria, so I don´t think I have to take it quietly if persons in this forum tar us all with the same brush.(and btw, I just classified these persons for your sake, in everyday life I see them as family or extended family and do not see them defined only by their origin) And I don´t think having a different opinion from yours qualifies as racist.
    What do you think?
    As you mentioned that you are in an interracial relationship, might I ask if your partner is German?

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