• Meirav Natan Welboren برو به پروفایل

    Dear Evelyn

    پست شده توسط  Meirav Natan Welboren در هلند فروم 

    I learned mainly from the the website that you mentioned and from the link that I sent you (try http://adappel.nl/lesmateriaal, open the link called 12 oefentoetsen GBL - A1. There are important words in it for you to learn.
    I didn't learn from the text book because I didn't have it.
    Regarding the short questions some of them were similar to those in inburgering buitenland.
    I took the exam only after I repeated many many times over the 800+ sentences - until I almost knew them by heart something like 8-9 times.
    Best of luck

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