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    publicado por Usuario eliminado en Foro de Suiza 

    Hi everyone :)
    I was on Liechtenstein's forum but there is so quiet there so I decided to write here. How is life in here? I mean, is it hard to make friends, yeah, I read a few of your replies but I want to know if someone was in Li and how is it there. Is it be okay, if for example I join new people in the bar, who seem fine? Or is it will be wrong? I'm thinking about moving to Li after Uni, coz I love such small villages with climate and ... I just like this coutry very much. I havent been there yet, but I'm sure I will for for a trip there soon.

    Let me know guys, what you think.

    I wrote about Li here, coz it's like canton of Switzerland - obviously it's not, but it's something like that.


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