• Jose Quinones


    publicado por  Jose Quinones en Foro de Kuwait 

    Brother, everyone is entitled to their opinion, as long as it does not hurt or calls to hurt a country on anyone in it, regardless. It is true that Kuwait is peaceful and help others.

    I think, Kuwait should sign a pact with the US and neighboring countries that if Kuwait is attacked, they must provide their armed forces to defend Kuwait, like the country of Costa Rica did. Then, eliminate Kuwait’s Armed Forces and replace them with a highly trained Police and International Police, maintain a Marine Police Department too to patrol its water, like they do in Miami, Florida (my home!) and develop police ties with all countries. A part-time civil armed forces could be added.

    Agreed there are things to do like jet ski, scuba diving, malls & cafes but Kuwait could use more places for young people to spend time together without the stigma or believe that if teenager males and females are together is wrong. Let them have places to enjoy music and dance. Also, I didn’t see a push for the life-performance arts to see performances like Cats or Phantom of the Opera in theathers...

    Every country has its share of mistreatment of others, it is human nature, -if every Christian and every Muslim would truly follow their faith there would not be any wars- You speak of the legal consequences of an employer correcting an employee. The legal way is fine. The problems surges when some employers adhere to cruel and unusual punishment that we all, including you, are against it. Do you remember the lady from the Philippines who worked as a maid in Saudi Arabia and was badly beaten, burned with an iron and disfigured by her employers? That is so wrong but it also does not mean that every Saudi is an abuser.

    About Palestine...I think I know how you feel. During the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, over 5,000 women were raped by Iraqi soldiers, the Palestinians in Kuwait became the check-point guards for the Iraqi army and checked on Kuwaitis, the same one who always opened their arms and country to them..

    I know a foreign lady married to a renowned Kuwaiti of Palestinian descent who defends her husband's ancestry because of her ties to him but I try to tell her the same thing you are saying... Some people refuse to see the truth.

    Brother, never judge least you are ready to be judged yourself by God. Every country has its shares of assholes as well, we have them in the US too but it does not mean that “all” are assholes. Let’s hope that the next generation will learn to get alone better around the world, the internet might help. And you are correct, no adult should be married to a minor.

    Iraq invaded Kuwait under Sadam's orders but, as you know, he is gone, everyone knows Kuwait is a sovereign nation. No worries there. Torture is wrong, brother. Remember you are a Muslim, I am assuming so, and as such you should speak of peace and brotherhood even in the face of people who has done you wrong. Americans always say: “Two wrongs don’t make a right,” and it is true.

    You sound hurt, frustrated and so upset with other races... people are the way they are and it takes time, patience and the love of God to help them change and better themselves. Even the Taliban will change with time, when they recognize the little girls should go to school and not be shot because of it. The Taliban people one day will accept the freedom of individuals to choose their faith without killing them for disagreeing.There was a man in Afghanistan who had to leave the country because he changed from Muslim to Christian. That would never happen in Kuwait where people are free to worship in their own faith. I went many times to Christian churches in downtown as well as in Salmiya, and met a Christian Kuwaiti teaching others.

    Brother, you may not be a rude person normally but your views, expressed here, are.

    I understand you want to defend Kuwait. You must but do it by choosing your words carefully, expressing the truth without condemning a whole race of country because not anyone is the same. I have met good, educated (and not stinking) Indians, Sri Lankans, etc. Remember that you get what you pay for. If you pay for someone who is uneducated that is what you will get but if you want someone with more education, prepared to work without or little supervision and able to help you do higher and complicated tasks... then you must pay more and yes, there are educated people in every country but don’t expect them to wear a maid uniform that looks like pajamas and have them paraded in malls, standing and watching you while you seat and eat so others can see what a worthy and powerful person you are.

    Does every Kuwaiti do that? Of course not, but I just wanted you to know we all have those types of people nobody should want to imitate of be like.

    I spent 8 years in Kuwait, I do love the country and its people and I'll be the first one to admit: I miss Kuwait.

    Good luck brother, hope you think about some of my words in a positive way.

    الله كريم

    Jose R. Quinones
    Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

    By the way, when I started to write to you, we were hit by rockets here in the US base... but I am happy to be here finishing this note to you after it was over.

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