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    German are open minded

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  Em El σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    I am german and i saw a lot of nazi demonstrations but there were a lot of anti nazi demonstrations. At school there were a lot of black skinned and polish, italian, polish people but the didnt have more or less problems like germans do. But there are some prejudices about polish, turkish e.g. But not each polish tukish male, female but about the (for example) polish at all. But thats not unique for germans. We have a bad maybe the worst history of all but that time is gone. For example americans have the same with mexicans.
    So stop calling german nazis or racism. I heard that were getting discriminated in foreign countries. Thats not better. We also could say to french : stop playing online games, youre too bad. But that would just confirm the prejudices. At the end i wanna say that i never discriminated someone because of his /her CoB, I see them as german, as people of 21th century.

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