• Daniel Otero

    Dear Gao:

    Aufgegeben von  Daniel Otero in China Forum  

    Read the facts, China is a developing country and quality of life is getting better; however, it has a long way to go. Especially for the people living in Western China.

    Highest countries in happiness and quality of life are: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Germany followed by France and Spain. It continues with Bahrain, South Africa, Malaysia, Brazil and ending with America.

    Actually on the list, China is 77 in quality of life and people whom are happy.

    The worse in the world or unhappiest places are: Democratic Republic of Congo and along Central Africa, where life expectancy is only 35 years of age. And that is because of constant wars. They are at the bottom of the list, like 194 or 195. The top countries in happiness and quality of life are in the second paragraph. Enjoy...



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