• Discrimination

    Postado por Usuario deletado em Holanda forum 

    Hello, Im amazed about all Im reading here.Interesting.
    I guess in every country there is discrimination and criminal behavoir. Good and bad people. Its hard to get a conclusion about what its true or not. Im mexican and my boyfriend is Ducth, he comes to see me often and I got to Holland too and all the dutchies I have met are nice people, I have a good feeling of all of them.
    In all countries all you hear about Mexico is the bad news, criminal, drugs and corruption acts, I can not say we have these problems, but lets think we are 124 million people, maybe 2 million are bad people...so people get to think MEXICO is a total disaster...but not, its a friendly country trying to get a better economy. My boyfriend used to be afraid of coming to Mexico, now he just love it and comes often. Like everywhere, there are safe places to go and places no to go. My point is, discrimination is an act of ignorance sometimes. I have good muslims friends, cant think everyone is a criminal. So the only way to know what is really going on in each country is living in it.

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