• Отиди на профила на Laura Elliott

    Moving to Belgium, staying Gent

    публикувано от  Laura Elliott в Белгия форум 

    Hi All,

    I have just discovered this web site and have enjoyed reading the discussions. I was wondering: Resty did you move to Gent? And if Camille and her family moved to France? My husband Jon, 9 yr. old daughter Aerial, and I are here from California. We would really like to stay the summer traveling around Brussels, with a home base in Gent. Jon is from London, but has lived in California for more than 20 years. We are thinking of moving to Europe.

    This question is for anyone who would be so kind to answer. How might we find an apt. to sublet or find a good roommate to share expenses just for the summer? I don't think we would be there more than half the time. We are looking around Gent and our price range if sharing is somewhere around 300-350 Euros per month. Can anyone offer any ideas or know of something? Thanks so much. Looking forward to the Gent music festival. How about you?


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