• Lorena W

    Very useful information

    публикувано от  Lorena W в Белгия форум 

    Hi there! I have been reading your posts and I have to say thank you for sharing your experiences with the rest of the people that is in the same situation, considering the idea of moving abroad.,By the way, My name is Lorena, originally from Argentina, presently living in Australia, EU citizen from Italy. Yes!...as you can see, I am a bit of a mix of nationalities!
    I am single, 28 years old and have lots of experience in customer service roles, working for the airlines industry and some experience at airport operational roles. I have done it since I was 20 so most of my knowledge is based on that. I also got a degree in tourism. Anyway...to go straigh it the point, Iwould really appreciate if any of you could help me as I am searching for some advice from people that is actually leaving and working in Belgium (I guess Antwerp would be the area I prefer to live in as I got some friends). I would like to know my real chances of getting a job overthere. I speak Spanish and English and not a clue of dutch (I bought the Dutch for dummies which I hope it will help me sort it out, at least the basics, something to begin with).
    Of course I know that when you first move overseas you need to be prepared for the hard times to come til you can sort it out. well....thats the reason why I could really use some advice people!
    Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!!

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