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Is there anywhere I can take courses to learn Arabic

تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى الكويت

I have been here for a few months and would like to take courses in Arabic. I know of the Aware Center, but there schedule for introductory classes, conflict with my schedule. I live in the Jabryia area. Thanks

  • Moonirah Kuwait

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    T I E S is a multi-national equivalent of what started out as the AWARE CENTRE in Surra, Kuwait which targeted non-Muslim Westerners who were and still are welcomed to learn Arabic, etc but since then various people on committees wished also to open another location to include all nationalities because the main theme is to promote the true ways of Islam, as a peaceful religion and to show positive views of life as a Muslim. The original committee, management and staff of the AWARE CENTRE set goals also on a FREE BASIS for learning Arabic, as well as providing Cultural Courses, Cooking Classes, Leaflets and Books.
    Staff named the Bistro 'Food for Thought' and prepared a Menu with prices because it was to be the only service that would require money from visitors to AWARE.
    Later, an outsider was taken on as Chairperson of the committee and decided to order that visitors be charged fees for everything instead, despite the fact that British staff pointed out clearly, for Westerners it would appear as deceipt and past use of false pretences in order to attract customers at the outset, especially as the committee had already instructed one member of staff to describe the FREE COURSES and activities by speaking on a live English Language Television Channel KTV2. Directly presenting the truth of Islam to people of any and every nationality is really excellent, especially to clear up a multitude of misconceptions.
    If individuals seek to embrace Islam, thus becoming Muslim, the original nationality would be required for passports but s/he would be an equal Muslim member of a Universal Community - Ummah. Life's past mistakes erased by the mercy of God Almighty when each individual makes a Statement of Faith, which is one spoken sentence. However, encouraging a person towards considering any topic or religion through various interests in a different culture, customs and way of life whilst at the same time actually charging the individual for that indirect action is questionable.
    AWARE's Head Office is in Fahd Al-Salem Street, Kuwait City.

  • Tania W اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Mansoor welcome to the forum and welcome back to Kuwait. :o)Thanks for the information. I just went on the website it's a really nice site with a lot of information including TOURS!!!! :O)

  • Mansoor Almodhahkah

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Hey, new on here, I haven't seen anyone mention this place so far so I'll go ahead and do so. I'm a Kuwaiti who has lived in England most my life so don't talk much Arabic and can not read it whatsoever, moved back 2 months ago and was told about the Ties Center, here's their site:

    On the homepage there is a picture of the classroom, the teacher is a down-to-earth Jordanian who is a great, patient teacher, and the small classes tend to be a mix of Westerners and Asians...

  • miles packer

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    I downloaded "How To Speak Mandarin" audio mp3 from Rapidshare a couple of nights ago, I'm targeting my obliques. . . hehe, cheers! Stay safe!

  • Tania W اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Seriously right? lol...thanks. :o)

  • vijay raj اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Hey Kuwait Info,
    Thats a neat job you have done. My wife reads it more than me since you have a lot of shopping posted in there. I will leave my suggestions in a PM to you.May be you could cover them in future.

  • miles packer

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    May I suggest an alternative?

    Instead of contacting "[...]" [LOL!], why not try the software ROSETTA STONE? Or get mp3 audio tutorials that you could take to the gym - not only do you get to learn a new language you also get fit.

    It definitely improved my arabic and toned my delts.

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    can i help u to take course in arabic

  • Tania W اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    To Moonirah- Awesome! thanks again Moonirah, I will definitely give them a call. Thank you for the useful information about the mosque, this will help me maneuver my way around there.

    All- I have received great posts and great information from this thread..problem solved! I also added a friend to my account in the process. Like Ahmad said, "on to the next topic". :)

  • Moonirah Kuwait

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    If u wish to call the English Department first (they do the Free Arabic Courses for Ladies) Grand Mosque 00965 22459465 ask for ext 201 and 22980800 press for ext 201.

    Annexes of the Grand Mosque:
    Management’s main building near the front entrance security kiosk contains the Grand Mosque director's office and administration. The main building located on the right near the front entrance, has a theatre which accommodates one-hundred and thirty visitors for seminars being held, besides scientific and cultural programmes presented therein. Professors, doctors and various authorities present lectures throughout the year. The maintenance department of the Grand Mosque is also included there.
    Diwanyia for the purpose of receiving foreign visitors is a lounge decorated with bench seating made in Kuwait's traditional fabric weaving called "Sadu". This Diwanyia is located overlooking a garden with palm trees and fountains.
    Al-Waei Al-Islami Magazine Office publishes an Islamic Awareness Magazine. The magazine management occupies the Minaret building. For more than 20 years issued monthly in Arabic the magazine was established to spread Islamic thought, answer misconceptions on Islam with scientific proof, develop Islamic awareness, follow the public's problems to provide solutions and to uphold the peaceful, moderate Islamic identity.
    A Women's Activities Building was constructed in 2006 to provide unique services for ladies in Kuwait. [Both Kuwaitia and expats] On the ground floor level there is a large theatre, with stage to accommodate five hundred people. Facilities are available for the innumerous School Visits to the Grand Mosque booked annually. On the first floor there are offices for the Ladies' Management leading this unique, pioneering division of humanitarian work in the Grand Mosque. It is claimed that this is the first project of its kind in the world which a Government Ministry and an Islamic Mosque have enabled capable Muslim women to implement. Their Administration Department Staff, as well as female employees working as Tour Guides are also based there.

    Kuwait Cultural Complex: Planned by the Cultural Sector at the Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs, this was an idea which developed for implementing plans of future increased services, Free Courses, Free Guided Tours, as well as free events and free activities at the thriving Grand Mosque. Languages spoken by Staff include Arabic, English, Italian, Spanish, German, Mandarin Chinese Tagalog and Russian. The name was derived to handle the various Centres and Royal Marquees holding events within the bounds of the Grand Mosque’s site; each one having a different cultural, social or educational purpose. The first, to be opened in 2006, was the WPIC.
    1st: Western Perception of Islam Centre [WPIC] 2nd: Islamic Art & Arabic Calligraphy Centre 3rd: Barirah, Domestic Employees & Foreign Communities’ Centre 4th: Foreign [Exchange] Students’ Centre: (following up new Muslims & Scholarship Students) 5th: Cultural Research & Documentation Centre. 6th: Muslim Child's Village (Play Centre for School Children visiting with Teachers)
    The Western Perception of Islam Centre [WPIC] occupies the courtyard's eastern side of the Grand Mosque. Its offices provide answers to the Western Media's misconceptions about Islam and Arabs.
    Fountains and Gardens: In the Grand Mosque there are nine (9) fountains and three (3) waterfalls. These provide a marvelous visual impact, plus a sense of comfort and tranquility. The remaining area consists of gardens with a variety of flowers, plants and palm trees. Every year boxes of freshly picked dates from the trees are given to needy people, as quite nutritious and very tasty.
    As an Islamic civilization landmark in Kuwait the Grand Mosque is frequently visited by State guests, tourists and students of schools, both private and governmental.
    Each guest is warmly welcomed and highly honoured by the administration personnel, who are always ready to receive visitors, provide pre-booked Guided Tours and highlight the building, as well as the various activities, exhibitions and lectures provided at the Grand Mosque. Lectures by the Imam are presented in both English and Arabic, as required by attendees.
    During 2007 AD / 1428 AH the Grand Mosque established a special permanent exhibition in the Amiri Hall with a Replica Copy of Othman’s Quran related in history to the 3rd Caliph, Othman Ibn Affan in order to highlight Kuwait's role in developing Islamic Culture and enhancing the significance of Arabic Calligraphy, as well as Islamic Arts, through studying the tools and the script used in writing the Quran.
    The Othman Quran Exhibition became one of the main focal points in visits to the Grand Mosque in Kuwait, to which visitors of various ages and nationalities have regular access.
    The Grand Mosque's Quran Exhibition official aims are as follows:
    First: Highlighting Kuwait's interest in the Holy Quran, upholding a passion for it and developing Islamic Culture. Second: Highlighting Kuwait's keenness on owning the most valuable Islamic Manuscripts which are real knowledge sources that require much light-shedding. Third: Providing the Grand Mosque’s multi-national visitors with a look at such a precious copy of the Quran. Fourth: Boosting interest in Arabic Calligraphy and Islamic Arts is one of the major goals at the Ministry of Awqaf (Endowments) & Islamic Affairs, Kuwait.

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