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Is there anywhere I can take courses to learn Arabic

تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى الكويت

I have been here for a few months and would like to take courses in Arabic. I know of the Aware Center, but there schedule for introductory classes, conflict with my schedule. I live in the Jabryia area. Thanks

  • Tania W اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    I agree, I have been writing down a few everyday phrases in a little book to take with me when I go out. They definitely correct me. It has been great! Well, Mumtaz lol.

  • miles packer

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 


    That means excellent. You know what? I think the real lesson starts when you use what you've learnt in a conversation with arabic speakers; when they start to correct you with inflections and such. . .

    Mumtaz would go very well with your sinister laugh ;-) MUAHAH HA HAH HA, Eeeexxcellent!


  • Tania W اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Welcome back Miles ! Thanks. I have already started learning using a free online tutorial that Ahmad suggested. Things are going pretty good. You're in denial about the heat, yeah so am I. I have never felt heat like this in my life. I have been to and lived in South/Central America. Forget it, this is killer. Again welcome back, MUAHAH HA HAH HA (BTW that’s my sinister laugh) :O)

  • miles packer

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    . . .and already I'm in denial :-( The first thing I noticed was the heat, oh man - and then the itchy eyes.

    @ Tania: I could burn a dvd copy of Rosetta Stone for you, just let me know.

    @ Jassim: I'm sure your arabic is good but your english seems bad, so I don't know how you could effectively teach arabic to an english speaker.

  • تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    iam jassim. i can help you in this fied.

  • Tania W اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    10KD ha? My how times have changed. Currently AWARE charges what I believe is 30KD for a beginner course in Arabic, that I believe lasts about 6weeks. I agree that culture awareness should not have a price on It., but I guess it's all about the money. The Grand Mosque does offer these courses for free as you previous stated, but when I called they stated that they would be starting classes again sometime next year. I find this to be the better option. Or I could just use Rosetta stone as Miles suggested. :)
    Also thanks for clarifying the question in my last post.

  • Moonirah Kuwait

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Before the time that they charged u KD 10 or any fees at all - do you recall the name of who was organising the new building that was supposed to be a Cultural Centre ?

  • Moonirah Kuwait

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Many Committee Members think that Volunteer means Part-Time of a Second Activity that IS INDEED PAID actually. However not all - but the two mentioned pay their Volunteers. Highlighting the true, peaceful religion of Islam through Cultural Courses or Traditional Tours, definitely demonstrates at first hand what is meant by the one who is leading the explanation of visits, lessons, activities, etc - what I say is YOU should not have to pay-for-it.
    i.e. Paying to be coached on religion while learning Arabic at their over-priced centres.
    They are well funded. Make it free for you all and I would rest my case in silence.

  • Tania W اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    Mansoor- At this point I believe when you are a beginner the where ever you go, you will be taught the basics, and then it's up to you to go from there. For example I speak Spanish also I can tell you the Spanish spoken in South America differs from the Spanish spoken in Puerto Rico, Mexico and some Central American Countries. However, I am still able to understand for the most part and can speak to persons from each of the countries mentioned above with the only difficulty being a difference in the meaning of certain words.
    I would think the same thing would apply to Arabic. Furthermore, to a beginner it all sounds the same. :) I think it would be my responsibility to direct the language where it suits me the best.

    Moonirah- I re-read your post and I am having a little trouble understanding it. Are you saying that the TIES Center will be trying to convert me to Islam under the pretense of providing Arabic classes? Forgive me if I am wrong, but is that what you are getting at? Again forgive me if I am wrong.

  • Mansoor Almodhahkah

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى الكويت 

    I've been to TIES for 4/5 Arabic classes so far. Kuwait Info, thanks for raising the dialect issue. Tania there are plenty of people there in a similar situation to you, I know a particularly affable American lady professor at a local college who attends these classes and her Arabic reading skills are amazing! There is what is known as "classical" Arabic, which very few Arabs actually speak on a day-to-day basis, and the dialects of us Gulf Arabs differs greatly from it, hence I know a lot of Kuwaiti Arabic, but I can't really understand Arabic news channels as its all in classical Arabic. With that in mind, I guess the best thing to do, and what I am struggling with, is learning how to read Arabic, which is what TIES offers, as when armed with your reading skills, you can then develop upon whatever dialect you desire.

    Moonirah, my uncle told me there are other places that offer similar activities, I guess he meant the AWARE place that you mentiond, I have never been so I can only vouch for TIES... however I am sure it is probably very similar

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