2023 8th International Conference on Materials Technology and Applications (icmta 2023)

Tháng mười

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Fukuoka, Japan

Fukuoka, Nhật Bản Map

ICMTA 2023 conference proceedings will be published, included as one volume of Materials Science Forum (ISSN: 1662-9752), and indexed by Scopus, etc.

Special issue: Journal of Renewable Materials
ISSN: 2164-6325 (printed); ISSN: 2164-6341 (online)

Indexed by: Scopus; Science Citation Index-Expanded (Web of Science);Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences etc. You can browse more details here

For ICMTA Authors, if you are insterested in this journal, please extend your paper at least 30%. You can enjoy 20% decrease for publication.

Previous ICMTA
ICMTA 2021: MSF-Materials Science Forum (ISBM: 978-3-0357-2684-8). (Online) (SCOPUS INDEX)
ICMTA 2020: MSF-Materials Science Forum (ISBM:978-3-0357-3784-4). (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)
ICMTA 2019: MSF-Materials Science Forum (ISBN: 978-3-0357-1587-3). (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)
ICMTA 2018: MSF-Materials Science Forum (ISBN: 978-3-0357-1430-2). (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)

Submit Method
Submit via Easychair system: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=icmta2023
For any further inquiries, please be free to contact secretary Ms. Celine Xi via email: icmta@sciei.us

→Topics included but not limited to
Advanced Materials’ Characterization
Advanced Materials’ Manufacturing and Processing
All classes of materials: metals, ceramics, polymers and composites
Civil Engineering Applications
Electronic, Magnetic and Photonic Materials
Energy Production, Transport and Storage
Industrial Applications
Materials for Different Applications
Mechanics of Materials
Medical Applications
Phase Diagrams Modeling
Processing Modeling
Recycling and Sustainability
Smart Materials
Surface Science and Engineering
Transport and Mechanical Engineering Applications
Trends in Product Development

Secretary: Ms. Celine Xi
Email: icmta@sciei.us
ICMTA2023 Organizing committee | www.icmta.org

Chuyển tới hồ sơ của Chapman Zerkos
 Chapman Zerkos
  • Tom Hidelstone
     Tom Hidelstone

    It's really cool because I've never been to such events before, I've only read about them, because at my college some of our teachers don't really understand this topic, but they still demand that we prepare better written materials. That's why I decided to go to this event to fully understand the topic and learn the latest news from the world of technology, because I'm getting tired of hire essay writers every time my teacher assigns these written assignments and I want to be more independent in this regard. Plus, while I'm here, I have the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Japan, which is said to be a very picturesque country.