Edgar Alain S.

میرے بارے میں

Edgar Alain S.
 Edgar Alain S.
میرے بارے میں:
My heart beats on the left, but I am open for new views and visions, I respect other meanings and convictions. I like making friends.
میں رہنا:
آپ ڈھونڈ رھے ہیں:
Cambodia, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand


History Daoism Bhudism Reading
پسندیدہ موسیقی:
Classic Music and old Jazz
جو چیزیں مجہے پسند ھیں:
Openness and Warmheartedness
جو چیزیں مجہے نا پسند ھیں:
Intolerance and Hate
تعلقات کا درجہ:
دکھایا نھیں گیا

پیشے سے متعلق

Premature Retirement
کام کا شعبہ:
International Insurance
Member of Management
پچھلا پیشہ:
English-studies in England, commercial apprenticeship, higher diploma in marine insurance, usual promotion-steps up to member of the directory-board

وال/ دیوار

  • tiram makuza
     tiram makuza


    How are you??? I hope you are doing fine.I say compliment of the season and happy new year to you.
    I am writing you for the second time and this is because i did not receive any reply to my first mail.

    Kindly tell if you got this first mail or not so maybe i can re-send it to you again.

    Thank you as i wait for your kind reply. to reply
    with Email address ([...])
