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local sponsor or a partner to start business in Oman

இங்கு போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது ஓமன் அமைப்பு

Description: If you are looking for an active local sponsor or a partner to start business here in Oman I am offering a sponsorship /partnership for serious investors and companies to set up there business in Oman according to the laws of Oman. If interested please contact me on
tel : 00968 97305551 email:[...]

  • kola agboஇன்  profile க்கு செல்லுங்கள்

    போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டது  அதில் ஓமன் அமைப்பு 

    salam alaekum. your sponsorship ad. refers. you are the second person am contacting today. i consider setting up a branch of my tourist outfit in oman to cater for our local people. i would want you to give me the condition of your sponsorship like what do you want to take and other information you deem necessary. i want a moderate and soonest request please.

ஒரு பதிலை போஸ்ட் செய்யவும்