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Andrei Konchalovsky premiere - Uncle Vania - highly reccomended

இங்கு போஸ்ட் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது வெனீஸ் அமைப்பு

Dear all,

I have joined your community to let you know that tonight 1st December, world famous director Andrei Konchalovky is giving his premiere performance of "Uncle Vania" based on Chekhov novel, in Venice Teatro Goldoni, San Marco 4650b. The performance has been a great sucess in Milan just few days ago and it starts tonight at 20:30. You may buy tickets right in Theatre box-office.

The second and the last performance is scheduled on 2nd December.

It is really must see, you won`t regret it.

Take care!

Evgenia Yarmolinskaya

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