Are you ready for Gdpr?



Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest Hotel, Bucharest, 010292 Map

Ready, set, go! GDPR is getting close, so make sure your company is perfectly equipped with all the tools to pass its test. Ask our speakers, European experts and practitioners.

European experts and practicioners will guide you smoothly through the important changes and challenges of the GDPR. Attend the event and find out, among others:
What to do in case of data transfer (portability right) or data deletion (right to be forgotten) specific requests?
What to include in the data processing agreement between the data controller and the data processor?
How is data mapping performed? What are the implications of data mapping?
In what circumstances is DPIA mandatory?
How to properly implement a transborder data transfer?
When is the cloud services provider liable for the data stored on cloud by its clients?
When does a company need to appoint a DPO?
What are the measures to employ in case of a security breach?

Meet our speakers:
Luís Neto Galvão is currently a Partner of SRS Advogados in the TMT Group. Starting 2015 , he acted as an Expert for the Council of Europe (CoE) in the field of Data Privacy & Protection; he co-authored an in-depth course on this topic, aimed at judges, prosecutors and lawyers, which can be found on CoE e-learning platform - European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP). Until 2016, he was also an independent expert of the Cloud Computing Contracts Group, appointed by the Director General of DG Justice of the European Commission.

Bart van Buitenen is an experienced DPO and data protection consultant working exclusively on data protection issues with a focus on health care, technology and government. He has been training future DPOs for a number of years as a trainer at the Data Protection Institute based in Belgium.

Cătălin Pătrașcu is Head of Information Security and Monitoring Department of CERT-RO. He is a cyber security expert with more than 10 years of experience in the information security field.


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