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timeline for fiancee visa?

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hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • Anna Liza Gural

    објавио/-ла је  у Белгија Форум 

    hey ladies,

    school starts in September, i so want to enroll ASAP.. lets keep each other in the loop alright?


  • Anna Liza Gural

    објавио/-ла је  у Белгија Форум 

    hey ladies and felipe,

    i arrived well here in BE and i do apologize if i did not reply soon enough. yup, i finally met some of the family and friends during the last three days and i am loving the weather at the moment.. one thing for Desert Vixen, all there electrical outlet here is 220V, and in manila; we have 110V. so bring an adaptor, this will surely help you out.

    we are already sleeping in our house but still doing the shower and eating in his mom and dads place. though sooner or later we will move in completely.

    yup, me and ZD pardo are already FB friends and i totally agree on her suggestion. in the meantime, let me tell you our home address here, it is TUINWJK 52, 8600 DIKSMUIDE, BE

    and to grande J, hopefully your place is not that far from us. add me up if you like, please do feel free...

    till tomorroz again girls...x

  • where in belgium are you guys

    објавио/-ла је Уклоњен корисник у Белгија Форум 

    what part of belgium are you guys if its ok... im feeling alone here in belgium still dont want to go out coz i dont have still work here...

  • Идите до профила ZD Pardo

    објавио/-ла је  у Белгија Форум 

    Ik mis jullie guys! Yeah my sched was pretty hectic these past few days...I was reading the past messages in the thread (I can't believe we are in page 5 now, the last time I checked it was page 3 :D) and I can't help but laugh about the "trio tagapayo" thing ~ that's really a catchy name! LOL

    @Annaliza ~ have a safe trip girl okay..prepare Php750 for terminal fee or departure tax as they call it and Php 1620 for travel tax (they will advise you in the airlines counter if you need to pay or not for the travel tax ~ as some tickets already have the taxes included with your payment). Just make sure you still have enough peso with you in case...Weather in Brussels will be 21 C on Saturday and mostly sunny so you don't have to worry about wind chill and all that. I know the mixed emotion thing ~ we all go through that especially in our culture of close family ties ~ but hey, also remember that you're also going to build your own family now, with the love of your life (and that's more your priority now) ~ and I'm sure your family back in Phil. will support you all the way and will always be there for you. And it sure helps to have new friends here (we'll support each other all the way..:D)

    @Desert Vixen - you too girl, have a safe flight..and I know this week for you will also be hectic meeting up with close friends and partying with family enjoy the days with them while you still can, but don't forget to save up some peso enough to pay for the taxes in the airport! LOL See you soon !

    @Felipe - yeah that's a good attitude you have ~ not being nervous ~ you don't have to be..just keep the positive energy and as my hubby always tells me (when I was still waiting for my visa) to always keep the faith! :D

    We are all basically BFFs here now, so don't you all think it would be a good idea to add us all up in our social networking? I am signed up in FB. Ladies and Felipe, if you also have your facebook account please PM your account name so I can add you up and continue our chikahan there.. Dank u wel. Zie je al snel!

  • Desert Vixen

    Only 7 more days

    објавио/-ла је  Desert Vixen у Белгија Форум 

    I was just about to post a message and ask how it went with you at the embassy. Haha. It felt so awesome to be there and know that it's gonna be your last visit, eh? So awesome that you have nothing to worry about anymore. Whew! I enjoyed my last visit at the embassy so much. Hahaha! Anyhow, I'm really uber excited for you, girl. Have a safe trip tomorrow and have plenty of rest tonight. Let us know when you're in BE as soon as you can. ;)

    I can't wait for next week!!!! :D

  • Anna Liza Gural

    објавио/-ла је  у Белгија Форум 

    Ladies and Felipe,

    yup, this is it! i already got my passport with me here and documents thought at 01h53 in the morning i still have so many more things to do.. hehehe..

    to the Ladies (ZD Pardo and Desert Vixen) i gonna see you both here in BE as soon as i get settled, i will surely give you a holler..

    to Felipe, dont you worry my dear, you will be fine.. do something for you to get by this week and next week.. time flies..

    and i so! second emotion to Desert Vixen about the hospitality of the visa officers.. hehehe!!! so abrupt and cold.. very sad indeed! hehehe.. yup from Monday's - Thursdays i guess is the visa follow up between 14h30-16h00. Felipe, you also let us know what is the outcome alright?..

    see you guys soon!


  • Desert Vixen

    објавио/-ла је  у Белгија Форум 

    You are most welcome, Felipe. Happy to hear that you ain't nervous but excited. That's right, just keep the positive energy coming. ;)

  • felGUY ****


    објавио/-ла је  felGUY **** у Белгија Форум 

    Thank you for the advise Desert Vixen..Better if I will just wait 'till next week. I am not so nervous, I am just excited. hehehe...
    I wish you all the best and have a safe trip ofcourse. I am looking forward to hear from your updates as well Anna Liza.. And ZD Pardo I guess is busy..hhehehe

  • Desert Vixen

    објавио/-ла је  у Белгија Форум 

    I'm very excited for you, Anna Liza. This is it!!! And like what you said, I have mixed emotions too. I'm very much looking forward to spending the rest of my life with my man but at the same, I feel so sad about leaving my family and friends here. But oh well, we can come back home from time to time. And there's always the web that allows us to keep in touch with our loved ones all over the globe. ;) I can't wait to read your post saying that you're already in BE. Hehehe! See you and ZD Pardo soon. Have a safe trip.

    Felipe, my dear. I'm sorry if I was not able to include that information on my posts. Yes, you can only contact the visa section from 2:30 - 4:00 pm. But yeah, it's still a little to early to contact them. Like what ZD Pardo and I suggested, it would be best to call them on the 4th week. And btw, don't be surprised if the visa officer over the phone will sound a little grumpy. That's normal of them. Hahaha! For example, I'd go like, "Hello ma'am. I just wish to follow up on my application. My visa number is..." and then they'd give you a very short response like, "No result yet." Just three words and nothing more. And if you try to ask for more info like, "Do you know how long it's gonna take to process it?" they'd reply, "No." just like that. Hahaha! Hence, I would suggest that you just send them an e-mail on the 4th week. But it's all up to you. If you prefer getting faster (but a little hostile) answer, then call them. But if you don't wanna experience their hostility, then go for the e-mail. ;)

    You're almost there, Felipe. Just one more week (hopefully). Just keep the faith. :)

    Hello ZD Pardo! I hope you're doing fine. :)

  • felGUY ****

    објавио/-ла је  у Белгија Форум 

    Hello Desert Vixen,
    good day,
    I am doin' good, so far no updates from the embassy.. tomorrow would be the 3rd week when I lodged my application. Today I called the embassy, and the lady said to me, I must call 230 pm onwards for the visa application status.
    Do you think it is too early for me to inquire?..
    I am really happy both of you with Anna..
    Keep on posting for your updates.

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