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Cohabitation - Samenwoning contract

Опубликовано в форум в Бельгия

Hello there,
Is there anyone among you that can enlighten me about Cohabitation? For the moment I live in Belgium and with my Belgian partner we will apply for cohabitation. But still the cohabitation procedure will not be finished before my residence permission ends. So between,I wont have an valid identity card for 2 weeks of so. The first rule; they told us, that we have to live in the same address and we do live in the same address but when we have to present our documents and when they see that my identity card is not valid anymore, will it be a problem? if any of u has an experience or safe knowledge, I ll be so glad to be informed.
Thank you

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  • H.F. E.

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    Hi Rei,

    u should go into the Buitenlandse Partner side...I believe that it can be very tricky for you if you don't go the European way...in other words appy European residency from another European country....stay for 6 months outside Belgium and then back in...
    It might not be that simple to just have your bf registered the baby and get residency in Belgium when your BF is Belgium.
    Go to the forum and put there your question...there is also a possibility for a free web lawyer consultant...but also ask the founder of that site...Buitenlandse partner in the forum..
    The chances are also that if the Belgium IND found out that you are still in the country inlegal they have no scrupules to deport you...
    in any case Ton could be right...and getting a cohab reg. is one of the good things as is...and that recognize the baby is also great ..


  • Ton Bakker


    опубликовал  Ton Bakker в форум в Бельгия 

    Losing his job has nothing to do with it. Best thing to do is either marry or registered partnership before the baby is born, then the recognition isn't necessary.
    You see, a lawyer in Belgium is a wast of money, Dutchies know more about Belgian law than the Belgians...lol.It takes years there, just to form a government.....

  • Зайти в профиль rei ayanami

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    hi ton,
    Thanks for the response. That is a good news then, the lawyer we knew once said that the father have to recognize the child on the 6th month of my pregnancy. The lawyer also applied for a request from the mayor of the town for my temporary resident permit.stating my case. But the problem is until now there is no response from the mayor. And I didn't even know if that is the right procedure or that is the only thing we can do. I am on my 5 months now. Another issue that arised is, my boyfriend lost his job. So that worry us a lot.

  • Зайти в профиль sandy yuki

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    you are soo good on law... You are right...

  • Ton Bakker

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    If your boyfriend recognises the baby,at cityhall, the baby will get Belgian nationality, and as a mother, you have the right according to Art 8 EVRM to a residence permit.You can check at the site of VMC.be.Be sure the recognition of the baby is done before application for the residence permit.And you do the LegalCohabitation,or if you want to, marry.How long are you pregnant now.Btw, you have to go together to cityhall, prove you both are single[so you need a single statement from your country,[perhaps your embassy could arrange it.otherwise your family can do it, with a written conscent of you], and take your passports.

  • Зайти в профиль sandy yuki

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    I think they would still allow you... Me myself might be pregnant too.. damn..

  • Зайти в профиль rei ayanami

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    Hi there,

    I juat would like to ask regarding my case. I am am currently pregnant and and living iin belgium with my boyfriend. The thing is my visa already expires and we don't know what to do in able for me to become illegal. I read all about the cohabitation and marriage thing. SO I would want to get idea if the town hall will still allow us to apply for cohabitation or marriage. I heard about the child recognition too but would like to know more details about that.and what would be the best we can do for my case.


  • Ton Bakker

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    haha, I didn't look at the date, sorry

  • ID

    опубликовал Пользователь удалён в форум в Бельгия 

    Thanks for your answer Ton, but i solved that problem already months ago. I guess you saw my old messages. Thanks anyway


  • Ton Bakker

    опубликовал  в форум в Бельгия 

    your Turkish ID you can get at Turkish embassy renewed.Contact them, or look at their website, how long that will take.Don't you have Turkish passport, because you visa was put into passport, not ID.

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