Powrót do Uppsala län forum

Uppsala accommodation

Dodane na Uppsala län forum

Hi! My name is Nadia and I am going to study in Uppsala. But now I face with a great problem of room finding.

Can anyone,please, give me some advices/tips.

Thanks a lot!!!

  • Nadezda Filimonova

    dodane przez  w  Uppsala län forum 

    Hi Virginie! Hope you are doing great and wish that new year will bring you only happiness and positive moments!!!

    It would be a pleasure to meet with you, if you are still in Uppsala.


  • Idź do Virginie Delporte profilu

    dodane przez  w  Uppsala län forum 

    Hi Nadezda,

    I hope you find a room. It is not easy those days!

    I'm part of a group called UppsalaExpats. you can find us on Face book.

    Maybe we can meet in Uppsala sometime?


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