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Expatriates Health Insurance in Singapore - pls advise

Dodane na Singapur forum

I'm an expat, planning on spending most of my life here in Singapore.
I want to get health insurance that isn't too expensive but will still cover me if I go traveling or whatever.
Right now, I've been recommended to go for global health Asia...do these packages look reasonable to you?

I'm looking to work on a temporary basis so I don't think I can get it through my employer.
So if anyone knows a good expat health insurance company that is somewhat comprehensive,
please send the information my way. I only have to cover myself and I have my own business.

Thanks :)

  • InterGlobal Insurance

    dodane przez  w  Singapur forum 

    Hi, we are an award-winning provider of international health insurance with offices in the UK, Dubai and Singapore. We have four international health insurance plans ranging from in-patient medical treatment only, right through to a full refund for most in- and out-patient medical treatment. These plans can be easily extended giving you additional cover and extra flexibility with our Optional Add-on Plans. For more information please visit www.interglobalpmi.com

  • Imran Ali

    dodane przez  w  Singapur forum 

    Hi Lisa,

    Hope you are doing great, would you please let me know how are things in Singapore as far as employment is concerned.


  • dodane przez  w  Singapur forum 

    hello there,

    what your company does, i am coming to singapore in october, please let me know.


    Syed Atif Imtiaz

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