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Are Germans rude??

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Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

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    I think they are miserable people. The most unfriendly and boring people I have ever met. I don't like the food,I do think like how the kids are naked at the lake,I do think like how they don't listen to music in public,I don't like how they do not have air conditioners or fans,I don't like how they seem unimpressed by evert hi g,how they don't show any emotions, they have little to no fashion sense,Everything smells like strong smoked pork!

  • Idź do Richard Winter profilu

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    Germans aren't really rude, they are more direct and may seem distant if they do not know you. My experience in stores and restaurants has been pretty positive, maybe because I have learned German. I have met many helpful and polite people in German. Once when i arrived tired in Schwaebisch Hall, the owner of the hotel and restaurant sat and had dinner with us and we helped each other with our language problems and laughed over our failings. I have also been approached when reading a map and asked if I needed help in Berlin and Hamburg. I have noticed also that people in Germany are not loud in public and when I am there I have learned to lower my voice. I am American but I have cringed when I have been around other Americans who have not learned to do this. At times I have been a bit confused about people and their behavior in Germany, but I am sure they may feel the same about us.

  • Idź do Pily C profilu

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    When I went to Germany as a tourist, They treated me excellent. I like Germany so much.

  • Joe Bob

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    I like such people..... Maybe he is right I am extremist friendly haha but not because we have taxi drivers...
    Foreigners could be more friendly!


  • Idź do Rubén Nose profilu

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    This month makes my first year in Germany.

    When I first arrive here I was kinda confused about people here. On that time I was living on a company's flat in a very well considered area here, and I remember it so clearly.... one day coming out from my place on my way to work, one old lady got really angry and upset at me because I was never saying hello to her (on that time I was a bit confused because nobody seemed to reply to me when I said that). Later on it turned out to be a cool lady, and our relation was good.

    The truth is that things in my company are pretty good. I always said that it was a hole, like in a donut, where the exception confirms the rule.. And I remember one day, a conversation with my boss (he is awesome!) and ended up in asking to me "I think Germans are very friendly to foreigners here, is it?", and I remember so well the "is, it?".... It can't stop rumbling in my head.

    That is when I started understanding what is going on....

    Here there are two kind of people. The very much unfriendly and rude people, and the opposite, extremist side of faked friendship (I don't have any problem with being faked, actually that is modals and kind of what you can expect from the other).
    For me seems like if the team of nice people knows about the team of rude people and some how they want to fix the problem by being extremist.

    But the truth is that living here is a pain... It's the small things on a day to day routine, what pisses you off.... What it would be a minor problem in my country, here it turns out to be a big problem.

    The thing is that you start getting used to, and it's not surprising receiving a rude answer, it's basically what you can expect here.... The upside is that a very small and unexpected thing can make your day

    And I better stop here because I have many many stories that I can tell.... And only very very few good things to tell about German people. I have been living in Ireland for a year, and it was absolutely the other way.

    Being nice it's not only a smile, it's also strive in your interactions with guests and unknown people, because eventually they will not be unknown anymore.... Life is already hard by itself, why to make it worse?

  • dodane przez  w  Niemcy forum 

    Rule of thumb,Who treat you bad,treat him good.do it many times and then it will work.every country their ppl act a bit strange to foreigners,inspite that i hate the word Ausländer ,in google translate it gives me Alien as a translation.but the germans in general they r not very social so dont judge esp if u come from a culture that have different social rules,better understand the new culture u r at and try to set a nice strategy to get along,or take the easy solution and go back where u feel home.no third choice.if we choose to live or work in germany it will not make any sense trying to change the whole country and behavior of ppl to accomodate our background,origins and culture

  • Gustavo Reis

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    Hello G.M.

    I'm very sorry for my absence, so I've been to a hospital for long time and was working a lot, but I'm going to answer to your part's answer:

    "Why even go there? You are pretty much saying anyone who gets angry is an idiot or a degenerate.".

    To be angry doesn't mean to be rude. Anger is one thing and rudeness is another thing. If you get angry, because when you are stressed with much thing, with what somebody what annoys you or disturbs you or or when you have hypertension.

    I have never lived in Europe or North America and I confess I don't want to live in the developed countries or in the countries of First World. I prefer always living in Brazil because I'm Brazilian, it's safe me to live here because I'm Brazilian. I don't need to speak fluently English because I don't live in English-speaking countries. i prefer having virtual foreign friends.

  • Idź do Big D profilu

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    from one of my coworkers.. he used to use it alot..

  • Idź do Big D profilu

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    it is being used as a reference to a high standard of living.

  • Holger Wulf

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    As a German reading your posts, I can kinda sympathize with your apathy towards Germany and the German mentality in general. I firmly believe that you need to have been born in Germany and have had a certain degree of German ancestry to fully understand why most Germans act the way they do. It's an awkward society full of loose ends and social angst if ever there was one. As a German, I'm not too fond of Germans (part of the rules). I'm sure they despise me too.

    I'm really interested in Japan and the Japanese culture and I even studied their beautiful language as a brief 2-year-stint in cultural diversity. Didn't work out as expected. Same stern clinical attitude, but I just couldn't relate as intensely as I had anticipated. The cultural differences are too large even though I assumed that the Japanese people were as similar to the Germans as any other country on the globe could be. I was wrong (obviously).

    IMO, you really need to chat with your spouse about taking a time out and maybe changing location for a while. You've been man enough to stay in a country that you obviously don't feel comfortable living in for many years now. It's time that your spouse embraces your courage and endurance and follows your lead. If she loves you as much as you seem to love her, then a 2 year (at the least) trip to the US seems like a reasonable compromise. A necessity even?

    Please take the time to think about your own needs as a husband (and a father?) and keep your Zen healthy. Germany will suck the soul out of you if you're not German or if you're too proud to adapt to our shit completely.

    Germans are extremely simple creatures. They yearn guidance and recognition to a point where they demand it from everybody and everything around them. If you don't feel the same way, then shit will inevitable clash: in an ugly way. Get out while you still can.

    You seem like a great guy G.M. If I ever go back to Deutschland (currently happily content in this here Holland), we should meet for a beer or 10. Make that nein. And then beat up some Turks. Yeah, I know, they'd kick our asses, but at least "we'd've" tried. You know, like proper Germans do...

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