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Suggest me the trends that influences the It Outsourcing

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Can anyone suggest me the trends that influences the IT Outsourcing market during this COVID-19 pandemic? I am looking to hire an offshore development team for a support. It will be great if anyone could share your experience here. Thanks.

  • Gå til Frank Marlons profil

    Hope this helps

    innsent av  Frank Marlon i USA forum 

    The COVID-19 pandemic has created a measurable impact on the global market. Outsourcing of services is increasing due to Covid-19. It has increased the overall efficiency of the organizations, an increase in the competitive advantage, as well as the ability of the companies to focus on more important business strategies due to more efficient management of the data. Outsourcing is a strategic practice which most of the companies choose in order to cut costs and focus on business development and expansion. I recently read in an article which said about a survey by Deloitte to understand outsourcing trends -

  • Gå til Frank Marlons profil

    innsent av  i USA forum 

    The COVID-19 pandemic has created a measurable impact on the global market. Outsourcing of services is increasing due to Covid-19. It has increased the overall efficiency of the organizations, an increase in the competitive advantage, as well as the ability of the companies to focus on more important business strategies due to more efficient management of the data. Outsourcing is a strategic practice which most of the companies choose in order to cut costs and focus on business development and expansion. I recently read in an article which said about a survey by Deloitte to understand outsourcing trends -

  • Gå til Frank Marlons profil

    innsent av  i USA forum 

    The COVID-19 pandemic has created a measurable impact on the global market. Outsourcing of services is increasing due to Covid-19. It has increased the overall efficiency of the organizations, an increase in the competitive advantage, as well as the ability of the companies to focus on more important business strategies due to more efficient management of the data. Outsourcing is a strategic practice which most of the companies choose in order to cut costs and focus on business development and expansion. I recently read in an article which said about a survey by Deloitte to understand outsourcing trends -

  • Gå til Lena Kusss profil

    innsent av  i USA forum 

    A good question asking by you.

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