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How difficult is learning Russian?

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How long does it take to get a basic knowledge of the Russian language? Is it very hard to learn (especially the writing)?


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  • brzeczykewich borrek

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    This question is surprisingly a tricky one. The simple truth with learning a language is that the more challenging, difficult and problem-solving the process of learning the better results. That's the thing everyone should know.
    Russian is difficult in terms of grammar but not impossible for learning.
    Hope that you get that the whole point of learning language isn't in LEARNING LANGUAGE but it's in communication, understanding, and being able to receive information through every possible channel.
    And with that understanding goes hand in hand the realising that the best way to learn a language is finding a friend online or visiting the target country. For a Russian, I can recommend you this Russian language course in Moscow
    The method is there is oriented on solving the problems. So wish you luck.

  • waytorussian waytorussian

    Russian for foreigners (skype)

    innsent av  waytorussian waytorussian i Russland forum 

    Learn Russian online
    First lesson (45 min) is free.

  • Gå til Kate Chekhovs profil

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    Hi, Everybody!
    I'm Kate Chekhov and I'm really excited to introduce my new Language Courses "The Secrets of Successful Russian" for those who want to learn Russian quickly! With my Unique Approach you'll be able to speak, read and understand Russian in 4 weeks. You'll get access to HD video lessons, exercises and quizzes. I tried to do my best to make the Russian Language Course very enthralling and easy to understand. I hope you'll love and enjoy it! I want my students to be the best in Russian!
    Enroll Here:
    First 55 students get the Course for as low as $55!
    Coupon Code: FIRST55 Use the link

  • Evelina Makarova

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    I think it will take minimum 5 years to learn Russian pretty well. A friend of mine for example is learning Turkish which is also quite difficult (at least for a Russian) and she already spent 3 years on studying. And now she is able to communicate in Turkish on general matters but she will not be able to discuss special topics.

  • Evelina Makarova

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    Hello. I'm native Russian and I think it will take minimum 5 years to learn Russian pretty well.
    As for 20 .... 20 years must make one perfect in Russian if to learn it regularly :)

  • Evelina Makarova

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    I think it will take minimum 5 years to learn Russian pretty well.
    As for 20 .... 20 years must make one perfect in Russian if to learn it regularly :) But perfectionism is never important. The important is to understand mentality of people. Here, in this blog you will find explanation to many Russian realities. WHat is also good, that the key words are given in Russian so you will not confuse them while translating to another language. (non commercial)

  • Lana Adamchuk

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    Good evening to everyone! Have anybody read a newspaper "The St. Petersburg Times"? It's creators would like to know how many there are of you! A questionnaire for 1 min ! :)

  • Gå til Li Tshaskas profil

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    Dear friends! I carry out this research with the purpose of creating a new mobile application, which will help you to study Russian. Your opinion is important for us.
    Please, answer the following questions.
    With love, Li.

  • wu danny

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    hello~ I am learning russian.. want to be a friend with you~~~~~ May I?

  • Gå til Bassim Ismails profil

    innsent av  i Russland forum 

    Friend, I think that we've to differentiate between learning for academic/professional purposes and learning the language to perform simple business transactions or co-working with Russians to perform a certain project or task, or just to communicate while traveling Russia.

    The difference is grand and so big, therefor should be debated separately.

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